Category Topics

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Are you involved in an energy community and are you considering the possibility for your community to provide energy flexibility or engage in peer-to-peer (P2P) energy exchange? As you probably already know, these are very complex matters and it’s easy to (feel like you’ve) run into a wall. That is why we created this forum as a place for you to tackle the challenges you face head-on!

User Challenge

User challenges are about how the (future) members of (future) energy communities are involved and engaged.

Organisational Challenge

Here you can find everything related to the challenges you face in P2P energy communities on an Organisational level.

Technological and Infrastructural Challenge

Any physical (i.e., hardware) or virtual (i.e., software) asset which could be relevant for the operation of an energy community.

Market Challenge

The Market challenge aims to answer the question whether your country or region has all the necessary operating markets and price mechanisms in place for consumers and or energy consumers in order to start trading.

Institutional Challenge

Whether your country (or regional government) offers aspiring energy communities the legal possibilities to engage in p2p exchange, as a community.

Site Feedback

Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.